Strengthening the system of social protection of vulnerable groups of children in Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Strengthening the development of home care in Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Crisis Center for return migrats to Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Development of home care services in Northern Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Not applicable | Moldova |
Promotion of development of home care services in Moldova - Southern region | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Support of transformation process of care for people with mental disorders and people with learning difficulties in Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Not applicable | Moldova |
Comprehensive support of population statistics and demography developments in Moldova | Government and Civil Society | Moldova |
Development of Strategic Planning in Moldova | Government and Civil Society , Not applicable | Moldova |
Improved Operationality and Capacities of Firefighters in Moldova II | Government and Civil Society , Not applicable | Moldova |
Partnership Towards Inclusion | Government and Civil Society | Moldova |
Enhancing Capacities of Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family | Government and Civil Society | Moldova |
Quantitative and qualitative survey of drinking water in southern Moldova | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Technical and Institutional Support in Solid Waste Management in Southern Moldova | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Support of inclusive education, access to safe water and sanitation in kindergartens in the South of Moldova | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Support of Fruit and Vegetable Production with Added Market Value | Agriculture and Forestry , Not applicable | Moldova |
Elaboration and implementation of the Vine and Wine Register in the Republic of Moldova | Agriculture and Forestry , Not applicable | Moldova |
Enhancement of Viticulture and Oenology programmes at agricultural colleges in Moldova | Agriculture and Forestry | Moldova |
Support of Organic Agriculture Products Placement on the Local and Foreign Market | Agriculture and Forestry , Not applicable | Moldova |
Renovation of monitoring net in river Prut basin - modernization of information system of flood protection | General Environmental Protection | Moldova |
Improvement of fighting power and professional competence of the Moldovan fire-fighters | Government and Civil Society | Moldova |
Support to the South Regional Devemoplent Agency and Regional Development Council: Updating the Regional Development Strategy | Government and Civil Society | Moldova |
Increasing efficiency and enhancing transparency of processes within the National Employment Agency of Moldova - implementation of electronic data record management system | Government and Civil Society | Moldova |
Strengthening the capacity of public administration in Moldova - South Region | Government and Civil Society | Moldova |
Restoration of Waste Water Treatment System in Cimişlia | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Remediation of Environmental Burdens Caused by Pesticides in Moldova | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Restoration of Waste Water Treatment System in Vulcăneşti | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Research and Remediation of Sites Contaminated by Oil Products in Municipalities Lunga and Mărculeşti in Moldova | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Restoration of Waste Water Treatment System in Nisporeni | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Decontamination of sites polluted by oil products in Lunga and Marculesti II. | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Remediation of Environmental Burdens Caused by Pesticides in Moldova II. | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Supply of servers for the National Employment Agency | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Support for the creation of a national plan to work with the children left behind | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Support to development of Home Care services in Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Promotion of diabetes prevention and treatment in Chisinau | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Path to inclusive pre-school education in Moldova | Education | Moldova |
Support to Increasing Quality of Main Activities of the State Agrarian University of Moldova in Chisinau (SAUM) through cooperation with Czech Universities | Education | Moldova |
Expanding the successful model of inclusive early childhood education in Moldova | Education | Moldova |
Expert support for safety education in Moldova | Education | Moldova |
Support of organic agriculture in Moldova | Agriculture and Forestry | Moldova |
Development of organic agriculture in Moldova | Agriculture and Forestry | Moldova |
Increasing Competitive Strength and Efficiency of Moldovan Small and Medium-Scale Farmers through their Orientation to High Value Crops Growing at Selected Target Groups in Districts of Cahul, Anenii noi, Ungheni | Agriculture and Forestry | Moldova |
Development of business skills of Moldovan small farmers by transferring knowledge | Agriculture and Forestry | Moldova |
Support of the Cooperation in Growing, Certification, Finalization and Export of High Quality Organic Production in Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Modernization and Quality Improvement of Education and Research at State Agrarian University of Moldova (SAUM) | Not applicable | Moldova |
Pilot Project of Implementation of Mobile and Web Solutions for Effective Communication among Citizens and Local Public Administrations | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Support of System of Consultancy in Cattle Breeding in Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Support to the Development of Organic Farming and Trade with Organic Products Between the Republic of Moldova and the Czech Republic | Not applicable | Moldova |
Application of Innovative Curative Substances in Modern Pharmaceutics Production – Transfer of Pharmaceutics Technologies from EU to Moldova | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Implementing the WHO International Health Regulations in Connection with Spreading of Highly Contagious Diseases in Compliance with Set Assignments in Continuity with the Agreement on Development Cooperation | Not applicable | Moldova |
Expert support for safety education in Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Identification of weaknesses and needs in protected areas management in the Republic of Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Support on elaboration of National Report for UN Habitat III conference | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Harmonization of Moldovan Legislation with the EU Law in the Field of Water Resource Treatment | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Get Conform with Euro Norm | | Moldova |
Elaboration of the Competition Advocacy Program in Moldova | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Development of the home care service CASMED II | Not applicable | Moldova |
Improvement of Production and Access to Market for Farmers in North of Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Support for vulnerable children and teenagers from disadvantaged families: Reduction of risky behaviour and help in socialisation within the local community | Not applicable | Moldova |
Reduction of Risks Associated with Hazardous Waste Landhill in Cişmichioi | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Clean-up of oil pollution in the municipalities of Lunga and Mărculeşti in Moldova III | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Providing expertise in the field of urban waste water treatment and collection | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Implementation of Eurocodes in the Republic of Moldova | Government and Civil Society , Not applicable | Moldova |
Rehabilitation of Water Supply to Villages Horesti, Unteri, Lucaceni of the District Falesti, Republic of Moldova | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Solution for Archiving and Document Shredding for ANOFM | Government and Civil Society , Not applicable | Moldova |
Promotion of diabetes prevention and treatment in Chisinau | Other Social Infrastructure and Services | Moldova |
Wastewater Treatment Plant for Briceni | Water and Sanitation | Moldova |
Development Cooperation Seen With Your Own Eyes | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Implementing the WHO International Health Regulations in Connection with Spreading of Highly Contagious Diseases in Compliance with Set Assignments in Continuity with the Agreement on Development Cooperation | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Enhancement of the Social Protection System in Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Not applicable | Moldova |
Regional Development of Moldova | Government and Civil Society , Not applicable | Moldova |
Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Not applicable | Moldova |
New impulse to business development in Northern region of Moldova | Government and Civil Society | Moldova |
Support of integration of disabled persons into Moldovan society | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Not applicable | Moldova |
Modernisation of the WWTP and water treatment plant in Hînceşti | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
New challenges in the field of combating drug crimes in Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Survey of population climate in the Republic of Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Elaboration of analysis and recommendations for the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Identification of weaknesses and needs of the control system of the wine sector in Moldova | Not applicable | Moldova |
Support in the process of growing, certification, finalization and export of high-quality organic production from Moldova | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Improving availability of drinking water in the southern part of Moldova | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Development of land-use policy and its strategic planning in Moldova | Government and Civil Society , Not applicable | Moldova |
Help for children with ASD and other genetic disorders in Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Health , Not applicable | Moldova |
Ensuring quality and availability of health and social services in Moldova 2019-2022 | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Not applicable | Moldova |
Planning of community-based services through public dialogue | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Not applicable | Moldova |
Support for transformation and community-based services for persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems in Moldova | Other Social Infrastructure and Services , Not applicable | Moldova |
Risk mitigation concept for the 400/110/35 kV transformer station in Vulcăneşti | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Capacity for development | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Strengthening the capacity of the Charity of the Czech Republic in the field of PR/communication | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Transfer of local experience in waste management - Ungheni district, Moldova | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Capacities for Development III. | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Developing community organizations as actors of good governance in Moldova and Georgia | Not applicable , Not applicable | Moldova |
Remediation of oil pollution in the municipalities of Lunga and Mărculeşti in Moldova IV | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Wastewater treatment plant in Leova | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Wastewater treatment plant for Străşeni | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Ensuring access to drinking water for Cimișlia and Comrat regional hospitals | Water and Sanitation , Not applicable | Moldova |
Improving control and testing capacity in the phytosanitary field within the Republic of Moldova | Agriculture and Forestry | Moldova |