Water and Sanitation Not applicable
Risk mitigation concept for the 400/110/35 kV transformer station in Vulcăneşti
Reciever: Státní podnik Î.S. Moldelectrica
Partners: Ministerstvo zemědělství, regionálního rozvoje a životního prostředí Moldavska, Inspekce životního prostředí Moldavska, Gagauzská autonomní oblast, Okres Vulcanesti.
Budget for the year 2020: 12 132 310,- CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 10 207 390,- CZK
Planned budget for the year 2022: 279 980,- CZK
24 050 890,- CZK
The aim of the project was to find a conceptual solution for the site of the 400/110/35 kV transformer station in Vulcăneşti, where in 1979 an explosion of about 1 000 capacitors occurred. The explosion resulted in long-term contamination of the affected area, especially of the rock environment, with PCBs and PCDD/Fs.

The project outputs include a detailed investigation of the rock environment and groundwater, an assessment of the risk of the site and the possibility of reducing it in the form of a Risk Analysis and Feasibility Study, the preparation of documents for the implementation of remedial measures and the strengthening of professional capacities in the field of environmental protection. These outputs were presented to potential donors in February 2022 for the permanent removal of environmental contamination at the site and adjacent areas, with the Moldovan recipient deciding on the option of total removal and disposal of contaminated soils from the site.