Government and Civil Society
Improvement of fighting power and professional competence of the Moldovan fire-fighters
Tender: Improvement of fighting power and professional competence of the Moldovan fire-fighters
Implementation period: 2012-2014
Implementing partner: Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
Budget for the year 2012: 2 550 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2013: 2 384 000 CZK
7 034 000 CZK
2012 - 2014
The aim of the project in the years 2012-1014 will be to perform education and training of Moldovan fire-fighters and to present the fire protection system, integrated rescue system, crisis management and protection of population in the Czech Republic. To present the Moldovan fire-fighters with the fire protection measures, available and used in the Czech Republic, to advise them on experiences of Czech specialists, to perform training and to help materially in the frame of the program sector “Transfer of experience from the transformation of the state administration and building the civic society“, which is one of the priorities of official development assistance of the Czech Republic in Moldova for the period 2012 – 2014. The reconnaissance mission took place in Moldova at the end of the year.

More information on testing a new equipment of firefighters:

1) Extrem de periculos! Cum isi vor testa rezistenta pompierii din Moldova

2) Pompierii moldoveni vor fi testați într-un container de fum la temperaturi de peste 700 grade celsius

3) O nouă ACHIZIȚIE pentru POMPIERII din R. Moldova

4) Container de fum pentru pompierii din Republica Moldova ( VIDEO SPC SE) | Serviciul Protecţiei Civile şi Situaţiilor Excepţionale