Water and Sanitation
Research and Remediation of Sites Contaminated by Oil Products in Municipalities Lunga and Mărculeşti in Moldova
Tender: Research and Remediation of Sites Contaminated by Oil Products in Municipalities Lunga and Mărculeşti in Moldova
Implementation period: 2010-2012
Implementing partner: Dekonta, a.s.
Budget for the year 2010: 9 000 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2011: 5 900 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2012: 5 700 000 CZK
20 600 000 CZK
2010 - 2012
Project aim was to decrease and potentially remove the pollution of the underground waters, which threatens the health of the residents in towns Lunga and Mărculeşti (and potentially, the biological diversity in the wider area); furthermore, to prevent further spreading of pollution and afterwards create the input preconditions for the following improvement of the drinking water supply for the residents of Lunga and Mărculeşti.

The army airport Mărculeşti had been functioning neat both of the towns since 1957 until the 1990-s. As a consequence of the bad treatment of propellant materials, the significant contamination of the underground waters occurred. There is a big layer of the oil materials (air petroleum) on the surface of the public and private wells in the nearby villages (mainly in Lunga).

Those wells are the main source of utility and drinking water for the most of the local population and their current state is critical. The detailed exploratory works were conducted in the frame of the project which led to the precise mapping of the contamination spread. The sanitation of the free phase of the oil materials from the underground waters was conducted.

Due to hard geological conditions, it was impossible to reach the total removal of contamination in the course of the project and that is why the different sanitation technologies were tested. Therefore, adequate procedure for further total cleaning of the underground water was proposed. Simultaneously, the feasibility study on the drinking water supply for the towns of Lunga and Mărculeşti was developed.