Water and Sanitation Not applicable
Modernisation of the WWTP and water treatment plant in Hînceşti
Tender: Feasibility study for the modernisation of the wastewater treatment plant in Hincesti
Implementation period: 2017
Implementing partner: CH.W.Z., s. r. o.
Budget for the year 2017: 336 380,- CZK

Tender: Supply and installation of technology for coarse pre-treatment to the main pumping station in Hînceşti
Implementation period: 2018-2021
Implementing partner: GEOtest, a.s.
Budget for the year 2019: 428 000,- CZK
Budget for the year 2020: 0,- CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 194 455,- CZK

Tender: Delivery of the discharge pipe to the wastewater treatment plant in Hînceşti
Implementation period: 2019-2021
Implementing partner: WWTP Hînceşti (Ircon, s.r.o., EKOSYSTEM spol. s r.o., GEOtest, a.s.)
Budget for the year 2019: 7 811 500,- CZK
Budget for the year 2020: 3 770 000,- CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 1 569 459,- CZK

Tender: Preparation of a technical and economic feasibility study for wastewater treatment in Hîncești
Implementation period: 2022
Implementing partner: KONEKO, spol. s r.o.
Budget (planned) for the year 2022: 1 421 750,- CZK

Tender: Reconstruction of the main wastewater pumping station in Hînceşti
Implementation period: 2022-2023
Implementing partner: N/A
Budget (planned) for the year 2023: N/A
41 400 000 CZK
2017-2021 (I. stage), 2022-2027 (II. stage)
The project’s aim is to improve the state of water management in Hînceşti (17,000 inhabitants), which currently does not have a fully functional wastewater treatment plant meeting the latest requirements. Every year the amount of wastewater produced in the city increases and it is not sufficiently treated, thus significantly increasing the burden placed on the environment. The project reflects this situation and seeks to find the best possible solution.

The project’s first stage involved replacing a Soviet-era discharge pipe that connected the main pumping station to the existing wastewater treatment plant just under 3 km away. The original steel pipe was well beyond its service life and regularly broke down. Another sub-project was to deliver and install the technology for coarse pre-cleaning at the main pumping station.

The contractor finished the discharge pipeline project in November 2020, and it was closed administratively after an inspection by the Contracting Authority in the summer of 2021.

The second project (the technology for coarse pre-cleaning at the main pumping station) is also entering its final phase. It was completed with the installation of combs and other equipment by a local partner using city funds in September 2021.

With both sub-projects completed, this means the prerequisite for starting the modernisation of the wastewater treatment plant has been met. However, its technical specification must first be modified with regard to the city’s current development and the fact that the contracting authority must take a more comprehensive view and approach to this type of project.

More in the final press release on the project.