Not applicable
Expert support for safety education in Moldova

Grant: Expert support for safety education in Moldova
Implementation period: 2014-2015
Implementing partner: Faculty of Safety Engeneering, VŠB - Technical University Ostrava
Budget for the year 2013: 453 969 CZK

453 969 CZK
2014 - 2015

The aim of the project is to increase the quality of Moldavian university education in the field of security sciences. Specifically, the project will focus on the area of civil protection and crisis management, analysis and risk management, fire protection and occupational safety and health at work. Thus, the project is intended to enable greater collaboration with experts from the Czech Republic and also to obtain additional contacts at conferences in the Czech Republic with experts from other countries.

Ties between the two countries in the area of science, in this case, the security branches, significantly contribute to the successful conclusion of Moldova's preparations for entry into the European Union. Furthermore, there will still be a possibility to cooperate in future in large-scale emergencies. If the system in Moldova operates sufficiently and comprehensively, international aid will be possible.