Not applicable Not applicable
Strengthening the capacity of the Charity of the Czech Republic in the field of PR/communication
Type: grant
Implementing partner: Charita Česká republika
Budget for the year 2019: 345 000 CZK
692 265,- CZK
The main objective of the project was to finalize the organization's security management system and to set up a conceptual PR and communication of the CHCR's development and humanitarian activities. In order to achieve these objectives, training was provided to HPRS staff in the Czech Republic and abroad in security, PR and communication, media production and the use of new communication tools. In addition to its immediate importance, capacity building in these areas has the wider benefit of positively impacting the quality and impact of the work and the image of the organisation as a whole. Thus, it can be seen as a necessary precondition for increasing the potential of the Charity to raise funds from sources outside the budget of the Czech Republic's foreign development cooperation programme: an organisation capable of effective external communication and with a functioning security management system is more likely to be perceived by donors as a reliable partner for working on their priorities.