Water and Sanitation Not applicable
Remediation of oil pollution in the municipalities of Lunga and Mărculeşti in Moldova IV
Tender: Remediation of oil pollution in the municipalities of Lunga and Mărculeşti in Moldova IV
Implementation period: 2022
Implementing partner: DEKONTA, a. s.
Planed budget for the year 2022: 1 882 260,- CZK
Planed budget for the year 2023: 102 000,- CZK
1 984 260,- CZK
The project is the fourth phase of the long-term intervention of the Czech foreign development cooperation aimed at removing the massive groundwater contamination with oil substances in the area of the municipalities of Lunga and Mărculeşti, namely on the area of the former military (Soviet) airport Mărculeşti, where pumping of contaminated water and separation of oil product in the remediation stations built in the previous phases (I. - III.) is operated. The main output of the proposed Phase IV should be the verification of the effectiveness of the innovative remediation technology (hydraulic fracturing) for the possible streamlining of further remediation works. In case of confirmation of the suitability of this method for the remediated site, its application could significantly intensify and therefore shorten the remediation intervention, which would also lead to a significant saving of financial resources that are necessary to spend annually on the implementation of remedial measures.