Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently one of the least developed countries in Europe. In 2017, it ranked 77th out of 189 countries recorded in the Human Development Index (HDI = 0.768). Almost 17% of the population lives below the poverty line. High unemployment particularly affects the young population (up to 55% in 2017). The country has a shortage of skilled labour and suffers from a brain drain phenomenon. An assessment of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) from 2000-2015 shows that only one of the eight key goals, poverty reduction, has been fully met. But there have also been significant improvements in basic education, gender equality, reducing child mortality, improving maternal care, eliminating HIV and tuberculosis and developing global partnerships. Challenges remain, particularly in the areas of eradicating extreme poverty, unemployment, social inclusion and ensuring environmental sustainability.


The Czech presence in the country was originally focused on humanitarian assistance, particularly on post-war reconstruction following the 1992-1995 conflict. Subsequently, activities focused on the agenda of supporting the stability and development of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the context of the country's integration process into the European Union. The Czech Republic's Foreign Development Cooperation Concept for the period 2010-2017 included Bosnia and Herzegovina among the priority countries for Czech foreign development cooperation. It has remained a priority country also in the current programming period 2018-2023. Three priority areas have been identified under the current programme towards Bosnia and Herzegovina and within these areas the Czech Republic is focusing on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The first priority sector is economic growth. In particular, the Czech Republic is focusing on the area of sustainable renewable energy and on strengthening energy self-sufficiency using sustainable and affordable sources (biomass, solar collectors or photovoltaic panels). In the area of sustainable management of natural resources, development cooperation will focus on the introduction of sustainable wastewater treatment systems complying with European norms and standards. In the framework of good democratic governance, the Czech Development Agency will focus on supporting public administration institutions in the area of responsible governance, adoption of European standards and harmonisation of legislation with the acquis communautaire of the European Union.


Development Cooperation Programmes with Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Programme for the years 2018–2023
Programme for the years 2011–2017



Name Sector Country
Usage of renewable sources of energy for district heating system in the village of Nemila Energy Generation and Supply Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ensuring Access to Safe Drinking Water in the Town of Lukavac Water and Sanitation Bosnia and Herzegovina
Enhancing capacities of State Archive of Bosnia and Herzegovina Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Strengthening capacity of Bosnian Institute for Standardization in implementation of Eurocodes Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Increasing capacities of Metrology Institue in BaH Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support to development in the districts of Sarajevo Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Promoting inclusion of People with Disabilities into Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Development of a System for Breeding Beef Cattle in Bosnia and Herzegovina Agriculture and Forestry Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institutional Support for Certification and Control of Plant Material Agriculture and Forestry , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sustainable Production of the Traditional Domestic Livno Cheese Agriculture and Forestry Bosnia and Herzegovina
Development of Ecological Production of Wood and Forestry Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina Agriculture and Forestry Bosnia and Herzegovina
Increasing Income by Family Farming for Vulnerable Groups Agriculture and Forestry Bosnia and Herzegovina
Promoting economic development in agriculture in Bosnia nad Herzegovina in cooperation with USAID and Sida Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support of Application of Free Trade Movement Principles and Increase of Safety of Products introduced to the market in Bosnia and Herzegovina Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support for capacity building and technical assistance for diving unit SIPA in Bosnia and Herzegovina Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support for employment of mentaly disabled people in Bosnia and Herzegovina Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
Strengthening capacity of veterinary laboratories Government and Civil Society Bosnia and Herzegovina
General reconstruction and modernization of trams in Sarajevo Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Preparing a study on construction of wastewater treatment plant and sewage network system in Svrake, Bosnia and Herzegovina Water and Sanitation Bosnia and Herzegovina
Development of the waste management in the municipalities Doboj and Maglaj Water and Sanitation Bosnia and Herzegovina
Increase of milk production in North-East Bosnia Agriculture and Forestry Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support to capacity building and technical assistance for vascular surgery in Bosnia and Herzegovina Health Bosnia and Herzegovina
Strengthening energy development – an optimal use of the Ugljevik-Istok deposit in Bosnia and Herzegovina Energy Generation and Supply Bosnia and Herzegovina
The support of theoretical and practical skills for zoo technician at the University of Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina
Opština Pelagićevo – Conduction of Pre-feasibility Study, Familiarization with the Legislation and Training on the Topic of Feasibility Study and EU Funding and Grant Opportunities Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support to the Use of Root Zone Wastewater Treatment Plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Construction and Operation of the Hazardous Waste Management/Disposal Facility in Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Establishment of a Contractual Relationship with Companies Working in the Field of Coal Mining and Cooperation in Mining Engineering Not applicable , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support of Agricultural Bioproduction in Posavina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Improving the quality of teaching at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology at the University of Mostar and Agromediterranean Faculty of University Džemal Bijedic in Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina
Equipment and preparation of workplace for assessing the quality of insemination doses at the University of Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina
Improving the quality of university education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina
Feasibility Study on Sanitation Intervention in the Chemical Site Gikil, Lukavac Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
TOP – Teslić: Municipality Setting an Example Not applicable , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Light for the World: Strengthening the civil society through inclusive education in Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support of the professionalisation of non-governmental organisations providing services to people with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Solar Energy for Dr. Safet Mujić Hospital in Mostar Energy Generation and Supply , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Using Biomass for Development of Rural Areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina Energy Generation and Supply , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Increasing the Quality and Quantity of Milk in Brčko Region Agriculture and Forestry Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support of introduction of new disciplines, practical training system and international relations at the University of Banja Luka Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support for Energy Self-Sufficiency of Minority Returnees in Western Bosnia Energy Generation and Supply , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the City of Goražde Water and Sanitation , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Food Safety Improvement in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Farma II. Agriculture and Forestry , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support for establishing a professional civil engineering specialisation at Burch International University of Sarajevo according to the needs of the building sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Exchange of experience and transfer of know-how at local government level between the Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Knowledge transfer of constructed wetlands to Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
EDU4IT – Innovation HUB Sarajevo Not applicable , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Modernization and development of system for drying and processing of cereals in Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Strengthening the rights of children in alternative care in Bosnia and Herzegovina Government and Civil Society , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support for water supply in the municipality of Gradiška Water and Sanitation , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Improving the efficiency of wastewater management in the municipality of Branjevo Water and Sanitation , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reconstruction and extension of the drinking water treatment plant in the municipality of Teslić Water and Sanitation , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Capacity building of state institutions in the field of standardization and conformity assessment in the construction industry Government and Civil Society , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Capacity building and development of the mountain service in Bosnia and Herzegovina Government and Civil Society , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
My job - economic opportunities for people with disabilities Government and Civil Society , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Expansion of the capacities and services of the Institute of Metrology III Government and Civil Society , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Use of renewable geothermal energy in Doboj municipality Energy Generation and Supply , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Active inclusion and the rights of Roma women in the Western Balkans Not applicable , Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Possibilities of using automated communication and artificial intelligence in the private and public spheres in Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina
Advanced GIS for Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable Bosnia and Herzegovina