Government and Civil Society Not applicable
Capacity building of state institutions in the field of standardization and conformity assessment in the construction industry
Strengthening the capacity of the national quality infrastructure for standardisation and assessment of construction products in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project type: Budget measure
Implementation period: 2020-2022
Implementating partner: Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing
7 696 452 CZK
The primary aim of the project is to contribute to the competitiveness of construction manufacturers and suppliers of construction materials and to increase the quality and security of construction sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of the project should be achieved by creating, implementing and managing a uniform national certificate system BAS CERT that can register imported and exported certified construction materials and the material properties. Such an overview of construction material will help the planners, construction contractors and construction supervisors in the future and will serve as a technical support for sales of construction materials around the country. The implementation of procedures, methods and certification schemes will ensure the safe design of building constructions which will have a positive impact on the field of construction, the insurance for public contracts and the public as a whole.

Additionally, there should be an implementation and publication of national appendixes towards selected Eurocodes (ECs). Within the relevant sub-activities, it is expected to raise awareness about Eurocodes through seminars for students and professors of 4 construction faculties of technical universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and for representatives of professional public and employees of relevant institutions. The program of all seminars will be conducted with contributions from relevant Czech experts and will help to increase the interest of investors, developing firms and construction firms in using Eurocodes during the implementation of their contracts. When it comes to the commitments of being a member of the European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina must intensify the process of harmonization of legal regulations with the acquis of the EU. Apart from the support of competitiveness of local construction materials the project aims to slowly adapt Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European environment and conditions before the country enters the EU. The project will help with the sustainable development goal No.16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions).