Agriculture and Forestry Not applicable
Institutional Support for Certification and Control of Plant Material
Budgetary measure: Institutional support for certification and control of plant material
Implementation period: 2014 - 2018
Implementing partner: Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2016: 1 159 308 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 1 536 792 CZK
10 076 908 CZK
2014 - 2018
According to the legal framework of the European Union, the plant material have access to the EU market only if it meets the same criteria as the materieal produced in the EU. The activites of the project are based on the results of the Evaluation report on the control and certification system of the plant materal in BaH drawn up in 2013 by a team of Czech experts. The project should contribute to unification of the control and certification system of the plant material in accordance with legal framework of the European Union.

The current Bosnian system of certification and controls is  fragmentend and with absence of strategic planning. The current conditions have a direct negative impact on competitiveness, foreign investments and export of the agricultural sector.

The main objective of the project is to create a system of control and certification of the plant material in accordance to the European law. The main activities of the projet will include preparation of the laws and trainings and education of the state employees. The project will have positive impact on the farmers and other personell in the agricultural sector.