Improving the quality of teaching at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology at the University of Mostar and Agromediterranean Faculty of University Džemal Bijedic in Mostar
Grant: Improving the quality of teaching at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology at the University of Mostar and Agromediterranean Faculty of University Džemal Bijedic in Mostar
Implementing partner: Czech University of Live Science Prague
Budget for the year 2014 421 500 CZK
Budget for the year 2015: 929 600 CZK
1 351 100 CZK
2014 - 2015
This project enables improving of quality and lowering of current marginalization of university education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of agriculture and food through sharing knowledge, student and pedagogue exchanges following up system cooperation between CULS represented by Faculty of Tropical AgriScience (FTA) and Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology of University in Mostar (FAFTUM)  and Agromediterranean Faculty University "Džemal Bijedić (AFUDBMO).

The aim of the project is direct activity of Czech university pedagogues and management of FTA at FAFTUM and AFUDBMO, strengthening capacities of academic faculty of AFUDBMO and FAFTUM, science and research promotion through scientific courses and training students to be capable of international mobility.