Support to capacity building and technical assistance for vascular surgery in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tender: Support to capacity building and technical assistance for vascular surgery in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Implementation period: 2012 - 2014
Implementing partner: AMCA, Vexim, s.r.o.
Budget for the year 2013: 7 310 647 CZK
11 000 000 CZK
2012 - 2014
The follow up project “Support to capacity building and technical assistance for vascular surgery in Bosnia and Herzegovina” will continue with previous activities of the Czech foreign development cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. it will concentrate on strengthening the capacities and knowledge of vascular surgeons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Preceding the period of previous project implementation, the Bosnian struggled with overwhelming problems considering the healthcare system, more specifically with outdated operating room equipment which was not in accordance with basic modernization standards, insufficient amount of surgical vascular equipment or huge number of patients not having the possibility to meet the operation costs.

The follow up project should further equip two medical facilities with new surgical equipment in order to increase the number of performed surgical operations so far as well as to train vascular surgeons and nurses in modern surgical methods and techniques (i.e. organ transplantation). The specific project objectives are: 1) delivery of surgical vascular equipment, 2) delivery of vascular prostheses, 3) Bosnian surgeons and nurses’ internships in the Czech Republic.