Clean energy in public institutions in The project focuses on modernizing the heating system in two public school buildings in the city of Banja Luka by transitioning from heating systems that use LTO, coal, or wood to a more eco-friendly system primarily powered by biomass. This change will contribute to reducing CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere by these public institutions and decrease their annual consumption of fossil fuels, thereby increasing the share of renewable energy used for heating in line with the goal of SDG 7.1.
As part of the project implementation, new technology will be supplied and installed, including biomass boilers, new chimneys, electrical installations, water treatment technology, hot water preparation systems, a new LTO reservoir, fuel storage and transport technology, piping systems for the boiler room, system expansion, hot water storage, and control systems. An operating manual will be developed, staff will be trained, and appropriate functional tests will be conducted. The heating system at all institutions will be operated in a trial period during one heating season under the supervision of the winning contractor.
The modernization of the heating system in public institutions in Banja Luka will support energy self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life for not only the students and teachers but also all the residents of the city. Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina