Czech Republic


Name Sector Country
Close to people Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Fundraiser – increasing of ARPOK´s self-financing ability Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Improving organizational professional capacity in the field of fundraising Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Database of project indicators and guidance for improving the monitoring and evaluation of development cooperation projects Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Keep it simple Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
SDGs Implementation – NGO Capacities for Inter-Disciplinary and Cross-Sector Partnerships Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
One step further on the way to achieve sustainability Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Innovative fundraising methods as a tool to enhance financial stability of MOST, o.p.s. Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening the organisational capacity and continuing international cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening of the professional and administrative structure of the Centre for increasing awareness of development countries and of development cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening the capacity for program Adopce nablízko Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Balë ôko – enhancing professional capabilities for fundraising to enter the second decade of existence the SIRIRI Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development of the new fundraising income pillar to ensure sustainability of funding for development projects Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening organizational capacities in the field of external relations Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity Building of APROK NGO Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening capacities for communication in Glopolis Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development of fundraising and increasing the efficiency of development aid of MOST, o.p.s. Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Financial stability - a key to sustainability of Humanitas Afrika´s activities Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Support of transformation of Care Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strenghtening of Pontopolis capacities and facilities Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Building organizational capacity of external relations and fundraising Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity for transformation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strenghening organisational capacity of Světlo pro svět Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Streghtening of the expert capacity of the organisation in areas of leadership, control, evaluation and risk management Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Streghtening the capacity of NNO in fundraising and long term planning of resources Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Partnership for development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Expansion of human resources, strengthening international cooperation and launching public collection campaign with media cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Sever increases capacities for linking development and environmnetal education Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity Building of NGOs in the Field of Fundraising and Long Term Resource Planning Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Increasing the Quality of Provided Development and Humanitarian Assistance by Strengthening Professional and Financial Sustainability of the Organization and Increasing Management Effectiveness of the Diakonia (DECCB) - Centre of Humanitarian and Developm Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Partnership for a Decent Life Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity Building for Strategic Planning of small NGOs Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Fundraising as a Tool for the Development of MOST, o.p.s. Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development of Individual Donorship and Systematic Evaluation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity Building of the Deaf Hope Organization and Partner Cooperation Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Partnership for Development (2013-2015, Period 2014) Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The Future of SADBA – Development of Management, Strategic Planning and Individual Fundraising Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Supporting the Participation of the Czech Cities and Municipalities in Development Cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
LIGHT FOR THE WORLD – Capacity Building for Effective Communication with the Media and the Public Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development of Individual Donorship and Specific Capacities Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Inner Capacity Strengthening and Development of ADRA Czech Republic Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Organizational and Media Capacity Building of The Diaconia of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren - Centre of Humanitarian and Development Assistance Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening Capacity of NGOs in the Field of Fundraising and Long Term Resource Planning Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Partnership for Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Fundraising as a Tool for the Development of MOST, o.p.s. Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening Together Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Professional Capacity for Better Strategy and Effective Cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
LIGHT FOR THE WORLD - Establishing Project Department Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening the capacities and effectiveness of the platform FoRS – Czech Forum for Development Cooperation in the year 2016 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Mainstreaming of Fairtrade in the Czech Republic Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Increasing the participation of the Czech entities in development projects of international organizations Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Knowledge-based assistance of know-how transfer in development projects Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening Capacity and Effectiveness of the FoRS Platform – Czech Forum for Development Cooperation in 2014 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Partners Interconnection in the Field of Fair Trade and Using the Multiplier Effect in Order to Increase Public Awareness of Fair Trade in the Czech Republic Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening Capacity of a Membership Base of the Business Platform for Foreign Development Cooperation: Expert Volunteering in Development Cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening Capacities and Effectiveness of the FoRS Platform – Czech Forum for Development Co-operation in 2013 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening Capacity of a Membership Base of the Business Platform for Foreign Development Cooperation for Managing Projects of Business Partnership Projects in Developing Countries Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Broadening Field of Activity and Strengthening Position of the Fair Trade Czech Republic Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
True World Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Students Agora 2016 – Debating as Tool for Increasing the Support of Development Agenda among Youth Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Teaching in Context Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
On the road … Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Understanding diversity of the world: Promoting public awareness of the development cooperation among politicians, youth, and the general public in the Czech regions Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Global Development Education through Audio-visual Educational Resources Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
World without myths Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
CONNECTIONS - Participants´ Perspectives on Global Issues Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Moldova and Ukraine – Countries near and far II Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Fresh start with new Goals Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Towns Support Fair Trade and Sustainable Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Mapping the situation of women in developing countries and awareness of the Czech public Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Climate change, migration and its relationship Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The Earth on Our Plate: responsible consumption and development through the camera lense Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Sustainable Towns and Municipalities For Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
We live together, we talk together – Teaching tolerance and culture of dialogue Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Footbal for Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Through Teachers' Education Towards Prevention of Stereotyping in GDE Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Decent life for all: Support for awarness-raising and educational activities in regions Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Fairtrade schools as changemakers Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development information centre in Brno Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Promotion of Development Education and Awareness – Pardubice region Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Center for Awareness-raising About Developing Countries and Development Assistance Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Globally responsible cities Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
PARTNERSHIP Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Low-threshold clubs - gateway to the world: global development education and awareness -raising , where you wouldn’t expect it Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Towards Inclusive Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Summer school on development cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Through Debate to Deeper Understanding of Development Agenda Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
(Un)human faces of aid - who Cares? Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Global problems: On the edge Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Teach the world (2013 – 2015) Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Together with a support to achieve the Millennium Development Goals let’s support the development agenda beyond 2015 preparation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
HUMR – Humanitarian aid and development cooperation at schools Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Enhancing the participative education of global issues at primary schools by the storylines method Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
By education to an active help Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Global Development Education for non-formal educational activities practitioners Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Scouts for Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
EnviGlob – What Have Global Development Education and Environmental Education in Common? Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Tibet and Burma – Crossroads of Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Complex Teacher Education about Global Development Education (La Ngonpo II.) Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
PRVák: Global Development Education at Schools Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The World in One Day – Developing Topics Through Project Days Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
A Series of Documentary Films “Czech Mission” Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Roads of Czech Development Cooperation – Bosnia and Herzegovina Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Raising Public Awareness about the Social Status and Life of Women in Developing Countries Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Responsible Consumption – How What We Eat Affects Sustainable Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
World Humanitarian Day 2013 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Where and How the Czech Republic Helps – Atlas of Priority Countries of the Czech Development Cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development of Good Governance in Cacak town, based on the experiences in Valašské Meziříčí Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Support of sustainable tourism as a means of developing mountain regions in Georgia – sharing of Czech know-how Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The Preparatory Phase of Pilot Project ''Program of Municipal International Development Cooperation'' Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Preparation of project managers for EU funds and keeping of the traditional elements of Czech and Serbian culture Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Specialized internship of health professionals from Vrsac Town and Bela Crkva Town in the Usti Region Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Experience Exchange and Transfer of Good Practice in the Field of R-governance Valašské Meziříčí - Čačak for Development of Good Governance Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Transfer of Czech Experience with Drawing from EU Pre-Accession Funds – Banat (Serbia) Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Increasing Competencies of Healthcare Workers and Establishment of Long-term Cooperation among High School Students in Ústecký Region and in the Serbian Cities of Vršac and Bela Crkva Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Absorptive Capacity Building in the Banat Region (Serbia) Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Using the Experience of The South Moravian Region during Transformation and Capacity Building of Public Administration in Serbian Region Šumadija Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
European Year for Development 2015 – Join Us! Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Educational Activities within the EYD 2015 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Our City is Globally Responsible and So Can Be Yours Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Time Out for Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development Cooperation in Practice – Field Trip to Moldova Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The Future Is Only Upon Us Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Regional Conference EVVO Focused on Global Development Education with the Emphasis on the EYD, the SDGs and 70 years of the UN Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Migration and Development – Topic Analysis in the Context of the Czech Republic at the Expert Seminar and the Summer School Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Increasing Implementation Quality of the Czech Development Cooperation Projects with Regard to Sustainable Agriculture Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
European Year for Development 2015 – Raising Public Awareness Among Public Sector Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The Role of Local Administration in Development Assistance in the Context of the EYD 2015 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Campaign for the European Year for Development 2015 – Citizen Mobilization Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
European Year for Development in Olomouc and its Surroundings Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
European Year for Development 2015 – Opportunity for Publicizing Development Assistance Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Collective Story and the Czech Republic on the Road Toward the SDGs Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Effective Development Education for Students and Teachers of Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Charles University and University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Employers' engagement into the Information Campaign about the Sustainable Development Goals Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Integration of the Post-MDG Agenda into Global Development Education Volunteer Activities Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Education for Shared Responsibility: Key Competencies of a Global Citizen Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Partnership for Development – Local Administration Contributions to the EYD 2015 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
How the Young See the EYD 2015 and the Sustainable Development Goals Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Raising Awareness of the European Year for Development Among Business Owners Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
How the Young See the EYD 2015 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
European Year for Development 2015 – Not To Miss the Opportunity Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Partnership for SDGs – Coordination and Preparation of Developmental and Environmental NGOs for the EYD 2015 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
European Year for Development 2015 – By Global Movement to Change Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Palacky University, Olomouc: Development at Five Minutes to 2015 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development of Global Development Education in INEX-SDA Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strenghtening capacity for the project Close Adoption II Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Professionalization of the NGO Siriri Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strenghtening of Fundraising and Facilitation Capacities in Development Cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity Building of “Měj se k světu” (Be Alive and Well to the World) Initiative for Partnership for the SDGs Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Cities in Favour of Fair Trade and Sustainable Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Czech SDGs Awards Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Making ARPOK More Competitive Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
EPDET CZ - Czech Evaluation School Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity-building in Respect to the "Value For Money" in Czech Development and Humanitarian Projects Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Supporting CARE in Networking, Partnerships and Cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Fairtrade CZ – a strong and stable organization, promoter of faire trade in Czechia and Central Europe Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening the Capacities and Efficiency of FORS in 2017 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Social Media Management for the NGO PPZRS Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Student Agora 2017 - Let us Talk About Helping Others Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
One World At Schools – GDE Using Audiovisual Materials Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
GDE School Coordinator – pilot educational module Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Global Development Education in Moravskoslezsky Region Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Schools open to the world Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
GET UP and GOALS! ARPOK and ADRA about SDGs Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
SDGs Awards 2018 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
“Contrasts of Ukraine” – a comprehensive marketing campaign focusing on online marketing Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
On the road to development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening the capacities of “Měj se k světu” NGO platform for implementing SDGs Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening capacities and effectiveness of FoRS – Czech Forum for Development Cooperation in 2018, 2019 and 2020 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strategy of Czech Development Cooperation 2018–2030 for the private sector Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Engaging the private sector for maximising the efficiency, sustainability and impact of development interventions Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Global volunteering as a tool of global development education Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Czech Evaluation Society: Development of Evaluations – Evaluations in Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The empowerment of Centrum Dialog o.p.s. in the sphere of PR and FR Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
SIRIRI, organisation accredited for sending volunteers abroad Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Building of expert capacity of Njovu o.p.s. in management and financial planning Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Developing competencies to communicate with donors and attract small and major donors Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Professionalisation of fundraising and promotional tools of the organisation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity and knowledge building leading to the involvement of medical device manufacturers in foreign development cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
SIRIRI: Capacity support for a sustainable programme Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Evaluation - the path to systemic change Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Sustainability as the key to long-term success Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Model case of preparation and construction of a wastewater treatment plant Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Making climate funds available to Czech development cooperation implementers Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Sharing experiences and developing cooperation between academics preparing future teachers Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Learning in Context II Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development education in schools (Today I eat like an Angolan) and informal public education in presentations about volunteer service Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
SDGs 2019 prices Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Football for development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Sustainable cities and communities for development II. Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
World School Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Migration, development and the SDGs - promoting education and awareness Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity building of the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Medical Devices for the involvement of member companies in foreign development cooperation - follow-up project Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity building of the Association of Czech Railway Industry Enterprises for involvement in foreign development cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity building of Czech actors in the field of impact investing Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Nanotechnology for smart cities as a tool for sustainable development Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Like Igor Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Support for coordination and capacity building of the FoRS platform - Czech Forum for Development Cooperation in 2020 Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
SIRIRI: Supporting capacities for transfer of competences and sharing of good practice Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Professionalization of fundraising tools and promotional activities of the "GIVE EDUCATION" project Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening the added value, partnership and expertise of CARE Czech Republic z.s. in national and international dimension and impact Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity building of Czechitas in fundraising, partnerships and international cooperation Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
WE TEACH IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
SDGs 2020 and Global Goals World Cup Prague 2020 Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Labyrinth 2030 - The Road to Global Responsibility Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Czech aid in the world Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Development education at CTU Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
SDGs 2021 prices Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Global Development Education and Awareness in the Pardubice Region Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
A window to Africa: the Sustainable Development Goals in the light of the UBUNTU philosophy Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Dialogue towards a partnership for sustainable development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Does it burn you? Promoting sustainable development and global issues to the public Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Developing a GRV methodology for the private sector Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
#iamlikeyou Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The climate game! On the move against climate change Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Youth for climate Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
The Landscape in Our Hands programme as a GDE tool Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Journey to the depths of GDE Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
STUDENT AGORA debate for better understanding Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening the capacities of PPZRS and its member entities Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Increasing the competitiveness of the Experience Sharing Centre Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Support for coordination and capacity building of the FoRS platform Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Strengthening the professional capacity of CARE Czech Republic to raise funds outside the budget of the FDC programme, including increasing their effective administration and management Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
THE ROAD TO FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE - marketing and promotion of Bikes for Africa 2021 Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Podcasts as a tool to promote volunteering Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Humanitas Africa - strong NO despite the coronary crisis Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Capacity building and cooperation of Czech actors in the field of innovation in the framework of the FDC Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Expanding the capacity of the Deaf community with the hope for better cooperation with partners at home and abroad Not applicable , Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Global Issues – Global Subjects Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic
Europe in the world - engaging with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Not applicable , Not applicable Czech Republic