Not applicable Not applicable
Sharing experiences and developing cooperation between academics preparing future teachers
Type: grant
Implementing partner: Charles University in Prague
Budget for the year 2019: 846 673,39,- CZK
1 001 953,72,- CZK
The project contributed to the fulfillment of the tasks of the Action Plan of the updated National Strategy for Global Development Education, which are the responsibility of universities preparing future teachers. The intention of the project was to strengthen the expertise and competences of academic staff and thus contribute to the implementation of the principles and themes of GDE in the undergraduate teacher training. The aim of the project was to train academic staff, to share good practice and professional experience between them and to create conditions for effective training and development of future teachers in the implementation of GDE objectives and principles in the teaching of pupils in primary schools. The project pursued 3 key outcomes:

1. the development of a tool for the evaluation of curricula in terms of the integration of GDE goals and principles
2. An analysis of the implementation of GDE principles and themes in undergraduate teacher training
3. A professional and communication platform, which included a professional conference for representatives of HEIs to share experiences and research results on the integration of GDE principles and themes into undergraduate teacher education.