Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Strengthening the professional capacity of CARE Czech Republic to raise funds outside the budget of the FDC programme, including increasing their effective administration and management
Implementing partner: CARE Česká republika, z.s.
Budget for the year 2021: 500 000,- CZK
660 300,- CZK
The project is directly related to the previous project for strengthening the capacity of Czech NGOs "Strengthening the added value, partnership and expertise of CARE Czech Republic z.s. in national and international dimension and impact" implemented in 2020. Within its framework, CARE Czech Republic managed to streamline internal and external processes and develop new donor and partner relationships, including strengthening communication towards the Czech public and the CARE International confederation of which it is a part. The main output of the previous project is the comprehensive document Strategic Vision and Goals of CARE CR for the period 2021-2023, including the main objectives of the organisation until 2023. In this context, CARE CR is currently undergoing an intensive process of internal innovation and development. The process responds to the dramatically changing conditions in the FDC sector, to which the organisation needs to proactively respond in order to remain relevant and sustainable in its assistance. The proposed project, with an implementation period of 2021, will help CARE CR to achieve its strategy through greater diversification of funding sources, beyond the FDC budget, implementation of an effective digital infrastructure and internal governance, and increased professional capacity of both the programme and fundraising teams.