Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Strengthening the added value, partnership and expertise of CARE Czech Republic z.s. in national and international dimension and impact
Implementing partner: CARE ČR, z.s.
Budget for the year 2020: 400 000,- CZK
766 000,- CZK
The project improves strategic, professional, procedural and presentation needs in response to the change of status and new needs of CARE CR within the international CARE confederation, which is associated with streamlined processes and greater accountability in diversifying donor and partner relationships. At the same time, the project contributes to strengthening the position and competitiveness of the Czech NGO at the international level.

The project focuses on several different aspects of organisational functioning and agility that contribute to more flexible and responsive processes and practices. The activities include the expansion and strengthening of professional capacities, project management knowledge, external relations, donor mapping, which will further strengthen the organisation's added value, its expertise and expand and diversify its donor field.