Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Capacity building of the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Medical Devices for the involvement of member companies in foreign development cooperation - follow-up project
Implementing partner: Asociace výrobců a dodavatelů zdravotnických prostředků
Budget for the year 2020: 645 500,- CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 658 200,- CZK
(Indicative) budget for the year 2022: 717 200,- CZK
2 653 600 CZK
The private sector was identified at the 4th International High-Level Forum in Busan, South Korea, in 2011 as a key player to make development aid more effective. However, the Association does not currently have the capacity to engage with the foreign development cooperation (FDC), or does so only through its more experienced members who provide their services and know-how to developing countries on an individual basis. A joint approach under the auspices of the Association will allow both sharing of experience and information and better presentation of Czech innovative health care and healthcare and the Czech Republic in this area to the outside world. The ambition of the project is to offer comprehensive solutions for healthcare in developing countries. The project also addresses the low uptake of opportunities to engage in delivery to developing countries through pre-selected international institutions and NGOs, and last but not least, it aims to use the synergy of FDC tools (PROPED, MEDEVAC, B2B) to increase the visibility and effectiveness of Czech healthcare solutions in development cooperation.