

Cambodia is one of the poorest and least developed countries in Southeast Asia. It ranks as a lower middle-income country and according to the UN Human Development Index it ranked 146th out of 191 countries in 2021. Despite the low standard of living, especially for the rural population, and the static state of the economy, Cambodia's development has been very dynamic in recent years. After a significant drop in GDP due to covid-19, growth is returning to the high levels seen in the years before the pandemic. According to World Bank data, the Cambodian economy is growing at an average of 5-6% per year. The development of textiles, construction and services, particularly in tourism, is a major contributor to growth.

Despite significant relative progress, more than a third of the population remains only slightly above the poverty line. And even this situation is very fragile, with a high risk of a renewed downward slide, given the still strong dependence on foreign development cooperation and the strong economic orientation towards China, which has been reinforced in recent years by the covid-19 pandemic. The population faces problems in access to quality education and health care, among other things, which are not up to modern standards.

Cambodia was heavily influenced by the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s, when Cambodia's population dropped by almost a quarter during four years of harsh communist rule. During the Khmer Rouge era, there was a complete collapse of the economy, famine and the systematic murder of social elites and intellectuals. Cambodia is still recovering from the Khmer Rouge's influence in certain social and economic areas today.

Currently, Cambodia is characterised by a relatively stable political environment, which, however, cannot be described as fully democratic. Cambodia's last Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Cambodian People's Party have remained in power for the last 38 years since the fall of the communist dictatorship. In the 2023 elections, Hun Sen was replaced as prime minister by his son Hun Manet.



Until 2017, Cambodia was a priority project country for Czech foreign development cooperation. Geographically, projects were focused on the less developed parts of the country. Problems of health, education and renewable energy development were addressed. The follow-up cooperation programme for the period 2018-2023 focuses on the sectors of sustainable management of natural resources and inclusive social development.

Through increasing the capacity of health personnel, equipping health centres and implementing awareness campaigns in selected localities, CZDA activities will contribute to reducing mortality and malnutrition among newborns, children under five and their mothers. In the area of education, the CZDA focuses mainly on providing affordable, quality and inclusive vocational, apprenticeship and higher education, including university education.


Development Cooperation Programme with Cambodia:
Programme for the years 2018–2023

Research Studies for Download:
Expert Research Study on the Current State Situation and Needs in the Education Sector in Cambodia with the Focus on Secondary and Vocational Education (January 2018)

Expert Research Study on the Current State Situation and Needs in the Health Sector in Cambodia with the Focus on Mother and Child Care (December 2017)



Name Sector Country
Developing sustainable, market-driven biogas and solar energy solutions for rural communities in Cambodia Energy Generation and Supply Cambodia
Strengthening community support of disabled children in Takeo province, Cambodia Other Social Infrastructure and Services Cambodia
Program of social care and inclusive education for children with disabilities in Takeo province Education Cambodia
Development of a Permanent, Market-Oriented, Biodigester Sector for Sustainable Energy Supply in Rural Cambodia Energy Generation and Supply Cambodia
Health for Mothers and Children of Cambodia Health Cambodia
Improving the quality and availability of medical nutrition care for children under 5 years of Takeo in Cambodia Health Cambodia
Complex approach to prevention of acute and chronic malnutrition of children through integrated management of acute malnutrition of children under the age of 5 years in provinces Takeo, Kandal, Kampong Chhnang a Kampong Speu in Cambodia Health Cambodia
Introducing Mobile and Web Solution Supporting the Development of Civil Society and Improvement of Living Conditions in Cambodia Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Support for improving the quality of scientific research, teaching and international activities at universities in Cambodia Cambodia
Improving Quality of Higher Agricultural Education in Cambodia Not applicable Cambodia
Transfer of Methods of Inclusive Education from Czech to Cambodian Universities Not applicable Cambodia
Community Livestock Market Development (CLIMAD) Not applicable Cambodia
Towards inclusive education for Low Vision Children in Cambodia Not applicable Cambodia
Human Rights Based Spatial Planning in Cambodia as a Tool for Promotion of Tenure Security for the Most Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups II Not applicable Cambodia
Disaster Resilience through Improved Education and Livelihoods Not applicable Cambodia
Commercial Development for Community Livestock Production Not applicable Cambodia
Human Rights Based Spatial Planning in Cambodia as a Tool for Promotion of Tenure Security for the Most Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups Not applicable Cambodia
Support of Sustainability of Vocational JHP School for Dispossed People in Puoku - Siem Region, Cambodia Not applicable Cambodia
The labor market support for people with disabilities Health , Not applicable Cambodia
Support and development of ophthalmology in rural areas of Takeo province in Cambodia for years 2015-2017 Health , Not applicable Cambodia
Improve the quality of maternal and child health focused on malnutrition prevention and treatment Health , Not applicable Cambodia
Improving access to health and sanitation of vulnerable, relocated communities in Koh Kong Province in Cambodia Health , Not applicable Cambodia
Elaboration of the business plan in the area of wastewater treatment plants in Cambodia Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Feasibility study - Sustainable and efficient water management in the Sihanoukville agglomeration, Cambodia Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Improving the quality of practical education and research activites at the Faculty of Forestry, Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia Not applicable Cambodia
Enhancing the Quality of Science and Research at the Royal University of Agriculture Not applicable Cambodia
Improving the level of science-research, pedagogical and international activities at Cambodian Universities Not applicable Cambodia
Improving the quality of education at agricultural universities in Cambodia Not applicable Cambodia
Project for Strengthening Capacities and System of VAHWs to Boost Incomes in Cambodia Not applicable Cambodia
Baray-Santuk Nutrition for Under-2 years and Mothers Project Not applicable Cambodia
Livelihood Enhancement Action Programme (LEAP) Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Support of constructed wetlands technology competitivness and marketing in Cambodia – project implementation Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Economic and social potential of Cambodian mango for export to EU Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Business plan for climate risk assessment services in Cambodian agriculture Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Improving the WASH sector in Kampong Chhnang Province Water and Sanitation , Not applicable Cambodia
Increasing the employability of technical graduates in the Cambodian labour market Not applicable Cambodia
Introduction of biomedical engineering in Cambodia Not applicable Cambodia
Supporting small Kampot pepper farmers by opening EU markets, setting fair-trade prices and controls, logistics, exports to finding end customers in EU countries Not applicable Cambodia
Switch to Solar Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Partnership for Employment and Practical Skills Building in Battambang Province, Cambodia Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
iAGRO - Improving the agricultural value chain in Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia
Nutrition support for mothers and children under 2 years in Baray Santuk II Not applicable , Not applicable Cambodia