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Improving the quality of education at agricultural universities in Cambodia

Grant: Improving the quality of education at agricultural universities in Cambodia
Implementing Partner: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Budget for the year 2014: 1 000 000 CZK

1 000 000 CZK

The project is focused on support of the improvement of quality of agricultural higher education in Cambodia through cooperation between experts from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) and Royal University of Agriculture (RUA). Main outputs of the project include support of development in the area of research, pedagogical and international activities. The project will be based on direct contribution of Czech university lecturers and managers to the development of the Royal University of Agriculture, especially at the following faculties: (i) Agricultural Technology and Management (ii) Fisheries (iii) Agricultural Economics and Rural Development and (iv) Agro-Industry.

The target group of the project includes teaching staff and students from RUA. In the field of quality of education, the focus will be mainly on building of pedagogical and didactical capacities of local academic staff by Czech experts, the proposal of system of quality evaluation, organized Carrier days and Film festival for students. In the field of research, the main focus will be placed on implementation of joint research topics and support of scientific activities of RUA. In the field of international relations, the project will prioritize the support of running international projects and preparation of new joint project. Important part of the project will also include provision of necessary equipment to RUA and project promotion.