Not applicable Not applicable
Nutrition support for mothers and children under 2 years in Baray Santuk II

Implementing partner: ADRA, o.p.s.
Budget for the year 2021: 2 421 116,- CZK
Budget for the year 2022 (indicative): 2 497 300,- CZK

13 369 040,64,- CZK

The BS-NUM II project builds on a successfully completed intervention from 2015-2019 (BS-NUM I), which succeeded in significantly reducing malnutrition levels in targeted villages in Kompong Thom province. The province has significantly worse levels than the national average.  Parents, including mothers of young children, are increasingly travelling for work, and children's nutrition, health and education are often neglected. Therefore, ADRA proposes an integrated increase in nutrition awareness and education, improved access to nutritious food through expansion of home gardens or support for local vendors, and strengthening of the community health care system including local health centers to identify and then treat malnourished children.  At the same time, measures will be taken to reduce the risk of diseases caused by poor quality water and inadequate household sanitation.

The BSNUM 2 project uses support groups to target caregivers of children and pregnant women. Planned trainings focus on nutrition and health, the use of locally available yet nutritious food (with easy preparation), and dissemination of information on the impact of migration on child nutrition. Building the capacity and services of local health centres in nutrition will be essential in identifying, monitoring and treating malnutrition in the localities. The above activities will build on the Cambodian Ministry of Health's strategy to decentralize service delivery and empower local actors to address development challenges. Improved access to clean, safe water, together with the promotion of sanitation practices and the development of related WASH infrastructure, will target the entire community, with additional support to those households identified by the Royal Government of Cambodia as "poor" or "very poor".