23. 2. 2021 CzechAid Public Contract – „Technical Equipment for Special Interrogation Room Premises for Vulnerable Victims, Lviv, Ukraine” - Ukraine Více
10. 2. 2021 A project supporting the transformation process in care for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems is continuing in Moldova Více
15. 12. 2020 A CzDA project in Bosnia and Herzegovina will help develop and strengthen the mountain rescue service capacity Více
23. 10. 2020 CzechAid Public Contract – „Project Manager for Delegated Cooperation Project in Moldova “Improvement of medico-social care services for people with long-term care needs on both sides of the Nistru River”” Více
6. 10. 2020 The European Union, in partnership with GIZ and CzDA, provided 2 pulmonary ventilators for a hospital in the Transnistrian region, in the context of support to the Republic of Moldova for COVID-19 response Více
28. 7. 2020 Czech Development Agency supports responsible agricultural production and safe food project in Bosnia and Herzegovina Více
23. 7. 2020 The Czech Development Agency funded projects in health and social sectors in Georgia Více
19. 5. 2020 Projects supported under the B2B Program are facing a number of restrictions and challenges in connection with the Coronavirus crisis Více
11. 3. 2020 The Czech Development Agency announces a selection procedure for the position of Project Manager of a project of delegated cooperation “EU Support to agriculture competitiveness and rural development in Bosnia a Herzegovina” Více
7. 2. 2020 Unique tool in Czech-UNDP Partnership will merge solutions for development challenges with creative innovations – join us with your innovative solution! Více
21. 1. 2020 Mamacoffee preparing to build premium coffee processing facility in Uganda with CzDA support Více