The Czech Development Agency announces a selection procedure for the position of Project Manager of a project of delegated cooperation “EU Support to agriculture competitiveness and rural development in Bosnia a Herzegovina”
About the Czech Development Agency:

  • The Czech Development Agency is a state organization under the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, established by Act No. 151/2010 Coll. in order to implement international development cooperation;

  • the annual budget of the Czech Development Agency is approximately CZK 500 million from the state budget and it implements projects of international development cooperation in partner countries;

  • the Czech Development Agency offers a dynamic and culturally open working environment for people who care about less developed countries and want to spread a good reputation of the Czech Republic abroad;

  • For more information about Czech Development Agency visit



  • Complex management of the whole project,

  • Drafting project documentation (Description of Action) in such manner as to comply with all requirements of DEU (Delegation of the European Union), UNDP (United Nations Development Programs), Czech Development Agency, embassy of the Czech Republic in Sarajevo and other relevant stakeholders[1], and providing clear and comprehensive information about aims, outputs, activities and indicators for the future implementer of the whole project,

  • Searching for relevant agriculture experts in the Czech Republic, European Union or BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) who will provide expert assessment during the project preparation and possibly also support the experts during the project implementation, and preparing contracts with these experts,

  • Participating in all meetings with DEU, UNDP and relevant ministries and drafting short reports from each of these meetings for the Czech Development Agency and the Embassy in Sarajevo,

  • Regular monitoring of project implementation (at least once a month) with regard to fulfillment of conditions set by the European Commission and drafting monitoring reports for the Czech Development Agency and the Embassy,

  • Cooperating in preparation of a tender invitation for a project implementer (grant) and participation in the evaluation committee,

  • Creating and monitoring preliminary and final narrative and financial reports and ensuring their compliance with the requirements of the European Union and UNDP,

  • Reporting summaries concerning project implementation, fulfilment of outcomes and activities to the Czech Development Agency and to the Embassy once a month. The report will contain a list of all meetings attended, their results, brief summary of the development/political decisions/changes concerning agricultural advisory, agricultural policies and agricultural information systems,

  • Identifying possible problems and risks related to project implementation and if necessary, suggesting modifications of the project to the Czech Development Agency. And further preparing supporting documentation for the Czech Development Agency which describe in detail the changes concerning financial and program modifications of the project. Consulting suggested modifications with DEU a UNDP upon approval by the Czech Development Agency.

The project “EU Support to agriculture competitiveness and rural development in Bosnia a Herzegovina” will be implemented by the Czech Development Agency and UNDP within the scope of delegated cooperation between 2020 (1 March 2020) and 2024 (29 February 2024) in the area of agriculture. The project focuses on three main areas: agricultural policy, agricultural advisory and agricultural information systems. The budget of the Czech Development Agency for this project is EUR 1,300,000.


Requirements for applicants:

  • Citizenship of the Czech Republic or European Union and clear penal register;

  • Completed university education in the field of international development cooperation and/or agriculture and/or European studies and/or other similar relevant fields, if such education was completed outside of the Czech Republic

  • Professional experience with international project management as a project manager, at least 5 years;

  • Professional experience with agricultural politics (e.g. harmonization with EU legislation) and/or agricultural advisory (e.g. grant applications) and/or agricultural information systems (e.g. LPIS -;

  • English language, at least C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;

  • Good communication and presentation skills.


Type of cooperation: Systemized position for a citizen of the Czech Republic - salary classification pursuant to government Decree No. 341/2017 Coll., work based on an employment contract (the employee will go on a long business trip and receive subsistence allowance + spending money + respective remuneration based on the results), or for a citizen of the Czech Republic or a resident of another EU member state a contract on cooperation (self-employment - corresponding financial remuneration for such position)

Expected beginning of employment: immediately

Place of work: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1 year), in the following years the Czech Republic with frequent trips to Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Your application should contain:

  • Structured professional curriculum vitae in Czech or English;

  • Motivation letter in English.

Deliver your applications until 22 March 2020 to or by mail to:

Czech Development Agency

Nerudova 3

118 50 Prague 1 – Malá Strana


To the left-hand corner of the envelope state “Project Manager of a project of delegated cooperation EU Support to agriculture competitiveness and rural development in Bosnia a Herzegovina”.

Contact person for this selection procedure: Mgr. Lucie Nečasová, Ph.D., (tel.: 251 108 105), E-mail:


The Czech Development Agency reserves the right to terminate the selection procedure at any time, not to staff all the positions described or to select none of the applicants without providing the reasons.

[1] (i.e. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy of the Republic of Serbia, BiH - MoA RS, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Economy and Forestry, BiH - MoA FBiH, Directorate for European Integration BiH, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations BiH, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations - Office for harmonization and coordination of payment systems in agriculture and rural development, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations - BiH Administration for Plant Health Protection (Uprava BiH za zaštitu zdravlja bilja - UZZB), Federal bureau for labor inspection (FUZIP), Inspectorate of the Republic of Serbia (field of agriculture and phytosanitation), BiH Food Safety Agency – FSA, Ministry of European Integration Office