information for applicants

Do you plan to invest in the emerging markets of the future?
We support business ideas and innovative solutions.


what projects do we support?

The project must contribute to solving development problems (eg transfer of know-how and technology, development of the private sector, job creation, introduction of production and labor standards, etc.).

The project must go to one of the developing countries or recipients of official development assistance according to the OECD / DAC classification. We support projects in all parts of the world, from Eastern Europe, through Africa, Asia to South America.


We support 3 types of projects:

Preparation phase

  • Feasibility study – Technical and technological solution to the problem in developing countries for target state institutions. The condition is a confirmation of interest from the relevant state institution.
  • Business plan – Preparation for market entry, evaluation of opportunities and risks, finding a partner. The plan should be used to obtain commercial financing, investor or follow-up subsidies.

Implementation phase

  • Project implementation – Transfer of know-how, export for demonstration purposes, business partnerships (joint ventures and others). The condition is the submission of a business plan.

What support can be obtained?

We provide subsidies up to 50% of the total costs. The subsidy is paid back at the end of the year on the basis of submitted accounts and invoices.

  • Feasibility study, Business plan – max. CZK 500,000 for 1 year, with a co-financing rate of 50%
  • Project implementation, Project documentation – max. CZK 2 million / year for 1-2 years, with the amount of co-financing – 1st year 40%, 2nd year 30%

In cooperation with employees of the Czech embassies, we will advise you on business plans and draw attention to possible risks. We recommend that you familiarize the relevant embassy with the business plan before submitting the application, they can provide you with feedback. Upon agreement, it is possible to arrange a consultation of your plan with employees of the Czech Republic or the Embassy or mentors of the B2B Program.


How to apply for a grant?

The grant application consists of the Application itself and annexes (work plan, project description, budget, statement). The information is part of the grant calls, which we publish here.

Each applicant can submit only one application in each call, but it is possible to have a regional scope, ie to indicate several relevant countries in the application.

The evaluation criteria include the development impact of the project, relevance to the territory, sustainability and financial adequacy of the project.