Not applicable Not applicable
Sustainable cities and communities for development II.
Type: grant
Implementing partner: Charita ČR
Budget for the year 2019: 1 010 213 CZK
1 334 238,60 CZK
The project Sustainable Cities and Municipalities for Development II was based on the previous three-year cooperation between Charity of the Czech Republic and the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic within the projects "Partnership for Development - Contribution of Local Governments to EYD 2015" and "Sustainable Cities and Municipalities for Development", implemented with the financial support of the CzDA. The project aimed primarily at developing competences, practical knowledge and cooperation of local governments, local associations and residents in the implementation of globally responsible activities. The intention of the project was to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through local governments. The project included specific training sessions for local government representatives, awareness-raising events for residents in partner municipalities and a final meeting where participants presented their activities to elected representatives of the participating municipalities. The aim of the project was to teach local governments to implement globally responsible activities in cooperation with local associations and residents.