Not applicable Not applicable
Supporting the Mtskheta - Mtianeti region - sharing Czech know-how in sustainable forest management, care and recreational use
Type: grant
Implementing partner: Agora CE, o.p.s.
Budget for the year 2019: 474 645,58,- CZK
557 900 CZK
The aim of the project was to transfer to the Georgian side the Czech experience with sustainable management of economic forests and their use for recreation. It included an analysis of the recreational potential of the forests and identification of suitable sites, as well as the preparation of a nature trail and its location in the field. The project also supported on-site training of secondary forestry cadres in the form of a professional seminar and a study tour to the Czech Republic, which will be provided by the Czech Forestry Academy in Trutnov, the town of Vrchlabí and the Hradec Králové Region. It also targets the general public, whom it wants to inform about the correct behaviour towards the forest and its functions and to strengthen their interest in the protection and recreational use of the forest and in the more economical use of wood (insulation of houses, change of heating).