Water and Sanitation
Support to overcoming of impacts of herbicides and dioxines on Vietnam

Tender: Support to overcoming of impacts of herbicides and dioxines on Vietnam
Implementation period: 2012-2014
Implementing partner: „Sdružení DEKONTA-ALS“
Budget for the year 2014: 3 500 000 CZK

9 600 000 CZK
2012 - 2014

The overall objective of the project is to ameliorate the threat to the health of inhabitants and environmental damage resulting from the mass application of herbicides with dioxin admixture during the American-Vietnam military conflict. Activities of the ODA project contribute to a fulfilment of the aim, primarily through support for the development of human and technical potential for dealing with remedying of the environment and improving the health state of the population, not only in the hotspots of soil and sediment pollution at Bien Hoa and Phu Cat airbases.

In 2013 project focused, apart from other, on trainings of Vietnamese specialists on ambient air and surface water sampling in order to monitor the conditions in selected areas. Training on analysis of dioxins took place in the Czech Republic. The educational programme for laboratory specialists was held as a practical training in a specialized laboratory in the Czech Republic with the aim of increasing the capacity of analysts and competitiveness of the local laboratory. Also, the plan for the monitoring of Bien Hoa hotspot was prepared. In 2013 there was a geological and hydrogeological survey in the area of Phu Cat near the planned secured Dioxin landfill site at the Phu Cat airport and then consequent elaboration of design for groundwater monitoring system near the secured dioxin landfill at the Phu Cat airport.

Training on ambient air and surface water sampling took place in July 2014. Its theoretical part took place in Hanoi, the practical at Bien Hoa airbase. The aim of the training was to pass knowledge and know-how about ambient air and surface water sampling for the analysis/monitoring of dioxins at the Phu Cat and Bien Hoa airbases about the functioning of monitoring system at Bien Hoa airbase. From April to June practical inter-laboratory comparative tests were also carried out. A geological and hydrogeological survey was undertaken in the area of Bien Hoa. 10 objects (wells) were localised, the level of groundwater measured and the characteristics of the stream preference of ground water determined.

Another important aim of the project is the construction of the groundwater monitoring at Bien Hoa airbase. The project of construction of hydrogeological drill holes was prepared and 7 new monitoring drill holes have been drilled. Sampling from these drill holes was carried out in April and May. The drill holes were officially handed over to the Vietnamese partners on 16 June 2014.

The outputs of the project have been seen in a positive way by the recipients. During meetings they raised many comments, which proved their commitment to the responsibility of consequent monitoring of contamination in the area by themselves and on their own costs, in order to decide about next steps to overcome the impacts of herbicides and dioxins.