Support of practical education in agricultural production and business skills in secondary agricultural schools in Afghanistan
Grant: Support of practical education in agricultural production and business skills in secondary agricultural schools in Afghanistan
Implementation period: 2012-2014
Implementing partner: People in Need
Budget for the year 2012: 3 000 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2013: 2 950 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2014: 3 000 000 CZK
8 950 000 CZK
2012 - 2014
Project responds to the needs of poverty reduction and improvement of agricultural production quality in Afghanistan by supporting the development of secondary agricultural education.

The project aims to increase the quality of provided education through professional and methodological trainings for teachers and through the introduction of practical education especially in newly founded schools. Furthermore, the project focuses on increasing of the competences for managers of those schools – strengthening of their professional management skills and fundraising skills.

At the system level the project focuses on cooperation with the key partners (state and local administration, donors, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders) who are given unique field information. Moreover, the project actively participates in coordination of sectorial activities. An innovative component of the project is testing and establishment of a concept of financially self-sufficient secondary agricultural schools. This approach combines providing students with practical experience with managing school farms and generating additional funds for school development.