Agriculture and Forestry
Support of Agricultural Consultancy Development in Ethiopia
Tender: Support of Agricultural Consultancy Development in Ethiopia
Implementation period: 2013 - 2017
Implementing partner: People in Need
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2013: 3 710 766 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2014: 4 500 000 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2015: 4 835 420 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2016: 3 130 740 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 50 000 CZK

Grant: Strengthening livelihoods and nutrition through improved community services
Implementation period: 2017 - 2020
Implementing partner: People in Need
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 2 500 000 CZK
16 500 000 CZK
2013 - 2017
The project focuses on development of agriculture extension services in Ethiopia which is effort that is in accordance with Czech program of development cooperation in Ethiopia for period 2012-2017. The project is a response to needs for development as they are defined in Growth and Transformation Plan which stresses importance of support of Farmer’s Training Centers (FTCs) that concentrate on promotion of intensive methods of growing crops.

Material and technical assistance to development of system of agricultural consultancy in zones of Sidama and Gedeo constitute core of the project. Analytical assessment of organizational and production capacities, delivery of material and equipment, trainings of development agents and local farmers and methodic support of implementation of new agricultural technologies are all part of the project. Significant part of the project is also devoted to development of human resources that ensure provision of consulting services.

The project was commenced in October of 2013 and since then collection of data needed for evaluation of initial state has been completed and preparation of situational studies has been iniciated. Chosen FTCs were also provided with material and equipment necessary for their educational and consulting activities.