Not applicable Not applicable
STUDENT AGORA debate for better understanding
Implementing partner: Agora CE, o.p.s.
Budget for the year 2021: 508 100,- CZK
790 302,- CZK
The project was created in response to the need to contribute to a more informed, tolerant, active and engaged society in the Czech Republic. Young people will shape the society of the future, so it is essential that as such they have the information and skills to participate democratically in the sustainable development of the country and the world and are aware of the context and its interconnectedness. Global development issues are not sufficiently represented in Czech formal education, nor are young people today sufficiently equipped with the competences from school to enable them to work critically with these issues and to engage actively in them. Therefore, Agora CE is implementing a project to raise young people's awareness of global sustainable development, climate change, gender equality, nutrition and participation through educational seminars, competitive debates on specific global issues and a handbook on global issues; improve their ability to think critically and work critically with information to navigate and understand global issues; and improve their communication skills and their willingness to actively participate in addressing the global challenges facing the world.