Education Not applicable
Provision of information system for the State Service for Quality Education of Ukraine
Type: public contract
Implementing partner: NTT DATA Business Solutions a.s. (dříve itelligence, a.s.)
Budget for the year 2020: 5 754 216,- CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 739 697,20 Kč CZK
Planned budget for the year 2022: 362 854,80 CZK
Planned budget for the year 2023: 362 854,80 CZK
6 757 850,- CZK
The subject of performance is the creation, delivery, management of operation and provision of other related services of a fully information system for the collection and evaluation of data from the end beneficiary's evaluation and control activities carried out in the field of education (i.e. in schools) on the territory of the State of Ukraine; planning of these activities, management of documents and support of other related activities.

The licence for the information system, called "Evalu-ED" in Ukrainian, was handed over at the end of 2020, with the system supplier focusing on adequate training and supervision of the trial operation in the first half of 2021. The beneficiary - i.e. the State Service for Educational Quality in Ukraine - then started live operation from April 2021, which is supervised for two years by the contractor due to the sustainability of the project outputs. The system is already being used to collect data from hundreds of schools, with the expectation of expanding to use in educational institutions of all levels across Ukraine (up to 30,000 collection points are planned to be connected by 2025). This brings the collection of the necessary statistical data from individual school institutions in all regions of Ukraine online - reducing the human resource requirements, but most importantly, dramatically reducing the time required to provide the necessary data and its evaluation.