Promoting quality of agricultural education in Afghanistan through model schools
Grant: Promoting quality of agricultural education in Afghanistan through model schools
Implementation period:: 2015-2017
Implementing partner: People in Need
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2015: 9 498 303 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2016: 8 994 067 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2017: 8 996 207 CZK
05/2015/02, 05/2016/02, 05/2017/02
28 426 002 CZK
2015 - 2017
The project reacts to current situation in the sector of agicultural technical and vocational education in Afghanistan where a sustained support of quality of education is missing and the schools don’t contribute to the development of Afghan agriculture in a sufficient extent. Students often graduate from schools without learning even basic practical agricultural skills.

The aim of the project is to enhance quality of education at Afghan agricultural schools by setting up a system of model schools supported by multi-stakeholder quality monitoring and used for replication of good practice in other schools. The project will contribute to the implementation of the National TVET strategy for Afghanistan 2013 – 2018 by focusing on developmentof monitoring of quality and performance of schools by the governmentali nstitutions, linking schools to private companies, teaching practical skills relevant to the labor market demand, practical teaching of business skills and increasing the participation of girls.

The project will work closely with pilot schools which will have a possibility to become model schools, based on results of monitoring of their performance. Pilot schools will play a key role in the project, as they will be addressed by a large support in order to improve their level of management and quality of practical education, so that they could later become model schools. PIN chose 20 schools thats hould become pilot schools. This includes 10 agricultural and veterinary institutes (AVI) and 10 agricultural highschools (AHS).Teaching of agricultural core skills will be implemented in schools and their capacity to teach and test students practically will been ehanced. The project will thus contribute to setting up of a system of long-term quality improvement at agricultural highschools.