Other Social Infrastructure and Services
People with Disabilities: Natural and Respectful Group of Society
Implementing partner: Caritas Czech Republic
Budget for 2012: 1 371 000 Kč
Budget for 2013: 2 494 250 Kč
Budget for 2014: 2 059 586 Kč


The project is focused on the people with disabilities (PWD), particularly on the restriction of the discriminative attitude, and reducing the social taboo. Furthermore, project raises awareness about the low integration of PWD into the social and working processes. The first goal of the project is to raise awareness about PWD among government bodies, employers and public; to create the conditions for necessary legislative changes, which will improve conditions for employment of PWD. This goal will be achieved through wide information campaign and the work of the group of experts. The output will be in the form of the Concept of employment of the PWD, which will be handed to the respective ministry of Georgian government. The second project goal is to facilitate the working relations and processes between employers and PWD. This goal will be achieved through the trainings of young social workers in the specifics of the work with the target group of PWD, and facilitating the working relations of employers and employees with disabilities. Furthermore, the online database of employment opportunities for PWD, which will be handed to the Tbilisi municipality. Project was started in the May, 2012 – the preparation of information campaign took place, the selection of the social workers was initiated, and the establishment of the working group of experts took place.