Modern Teaching Methods LEAD to quality education
Grant: Modern Teaching Methods LEAD to quality education
Implementation period: 2014 - 2017
Implementing partner: People in Need
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2014: 3 684 210 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2015: 3 000 000 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2016: 3 000 000 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2017: 2 500 000 CZK
02/2014/11, 02/2015/11, 02/2016/11, 02/2017/11
18 998 000 CZK
The proposed project aims at improving quality education at primary schools through implementation of Modern Teaching Methods and setting up a complex education quality management system at school level. An active support of school management, supervisors and woreda education office is a precondition for systematic long-term use of MTM by teachers at school.

The project will create a system of regular certification of school performance that expands the existing monitoring practices of the education authorities. The project partners will create and establish a “LEAD school” label and criteria. Full version of the acronym stands for “Learn, Engage, Apply, Develop “as the key functions a school should provide to its students.

In addition, in this project cooperation between PIN and Colleges of Teacher Education will be further expanded by promoting MTM into students’ practicum. The proposed project builds on ten years of People In Need experience working in education sector in Ethiopia and is well embedded in Ethiopian government sectorial priorities. Due to the focus on current structures and capacity development of existing stakeholders the project puts a great emphasis on future sustainability of its outputs and long term improvement in the quality of education at primary schools.