Not applicable Not applicable
Migration, development and the SDGs - promoting education and awareness
Type: grant
Implementing partner: IOM Mezinárodní organizace pro migraci
Budget for the year 2019: 386 419 CZK
1 272 230 CZK
The aim of the project was to increase the professional knowledge of educational staff and other relevant target groups (students, academics, representatives of state and non-state organisations, media and the public) on migration and development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These topics were presented in the context of the Czech Republic's foreign development cooperation. In cooperation with other Czech and foreign experts, the topic of migration, development and the SDGs was presented in a set of interrelated activities. Furthermore, a training course for teaching staff was accredited and implemented. The topic of migration was presented at the annual Summer School of Migration Studies, seminars and workshops and a monograph with a teaching module was produced and distributed. The project theme was also presented in the Global Film Festival and other PR activities.