Agriculture and Forestry
Livestock Identification System in Mongolia
Tender: Livestock Identification System in Mongolia
Implementation period: 2010-2012
Implementing partner: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Budget for the year 2012: 1 500 000 CZK
14 200 000 CZK
2010 - 2012
Pastoralist is the basis of Mongolian agricultural production and rural economic activity. Its importance for poverty reduction and employment in the Mongolian countryside is essential. The project was aimed at making animal husbandry more efficient by creating conditions for breeding and by increasing market sales of animal commodities. The project was implemented by means of two public procurements: the subject of the first procurement were services and technical assistance leading to creation of a simple and reliable system for identification of livestock under the specific conditions of the Mongolian countryside and to establishment of a systematic process of identification data collection on individual animals and breeders, including transferring this data into a central register. After testing the system functionality in the region and achieving favorable results, the system is expected to be gradually extended across the entire country. The subject of the second procurement was supply of a laser for marking plastic ear tags, blank ear tags, and handling pliers.