Improving the quality of University education in the applied earth scienceses focused mainly on geohazards and hydrogeology
Grant: Improving the quality of University education in the applied earth scienceses focused mainly on geohazards and hydrogeology
Implementation period: 2013-2015
Implementing partner: Czech Geological Survey
Budget for the year 2013: 726 500 CZK
Budget for the year 2014: 688 500 CZK
Budget for the year 2015: 807 500 CZK
2 222 500 CZK
2013 - 2015
The main purpose of this project is to develop local knowledge in the field of engineer geology, assessment of geological risks and hydrogeology which should contribute to environmental protection and sustainable usage of natural resources in the country. The project is also in line with efforts of Ethiopian government to reduce poverty through employment of country’s own means.

The project aims to increase effectiveness and efficiency of courses taught at Arba Minch University as currently its preparation of students for practical research of certain geological risks and their training in topographical depiction of collected data is deemed insufficient. Such deficiencies significantly reduce ways for transfer of collected geological data to their end users. On the basis of demands made by Addis Ababa University, several domains were chosen to be further developed at the institution (hydrogeology, tectonics, engineer geology including geoengineering and landslide mapping) or to be newly established (physical volcanology and paleoseismology).

Within the framework of the project professional qualification of employees in fields of engineer geology, assessment of geological risks and hydrogeology with focus on geohazards will be enhanced and electronic versions of material to be used in classes will be provided. Implementation of the project will contribute to modernization of given courses at Addis Ababa University and will enable the university to produce higher number of absolvents that are well-equipped to deal with issues regarding geohazards and drinking water resources in their respective careers, be it in state or private sector.

More information can be found here.