Improving the quality and relevance of education at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Grant: Improving the quality and relevance of education at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Implementation period: 2016-2017
Implementing partner: People in Need
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2016: 910 100 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2017: 1 000 000 CZK
Implementation period: 2016-2017
Implementing partner: People in Need
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2016: 910 100 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2017: 1 000 000 CZK
22/2016/01, 22/2017/01
2 068 800 CZK
2016 - 2017
The project contributes to strengthening of the quality of Mongolian Higher Education in the construction industry area through coordinating cooperation and transfer of know -how between Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT) and Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) through facilitation of PIN. Project goal will be achieved through implementation of outputs which focus on quality improvement of vocational subjects teaching through direct teaching by Czech teachers, improvement of material equipment of School of Civil Engineering and Architecture (SCEA), enhancement of the quality of teaching and support of joint research projects between the two universities. The project will also improve the model of quality of teaching of selected technical subjects through direct participation of university teachers from Czech Technical University (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Architecture) on education in Mongolia, consultation and supervision of bachelor 's, master's or doctoral thesis and provision of the necessary material equipment to SCEA.