Not applicable
Improving safety of domestic violence victims through monitoring and evaluation of interdisciplinary cooperation
Grant: Improving safety of domestic violence victims through monitoring and evaluation of interdisciplinary cooperation
Implementing Partner: Caritas Czech Republic
Budget for 2013 financed by the Czech Republic's ODA: 374 850 CZK
Budget for 2014 financed by the Czech Republic's ODA: 162 165 CZK
19/2013/43, 19/2014/43

The main goal of project is to ensure higher level of safety for victims of domestic violence in the region of Šumadija.  The programme was joined by ten relevant institutions in the town of Kragujevac. These institutions are signers of Protocol of interdisciplinary cooperation. Institutions started to use integrated system for monitoring, the database of victims of domestic violence. Evaluation of former activities and followed up actions were submitted. Good examples from the Czech Republic were presented. Based upon the evaluation of results and good examples, new plans with exact steps for improvement were established.