General Environmental Protection Not applicable
Implementation of sustainable water resources management through increased availability and quality of training in selected zones, SNNPR
Type: grant
Implementing partner: Člověk v tísni, o.p.s.
Budget for the year 2019: 8 000 000 CZK
27 000 000 CZK
More than half of Ethiopian population still lacks access to the sources of drinking water and current water infrastructure is not sustainably managed. The project therefore aims to improve the management of water resources through the capacity-building of four technical colleges and water-suppliers in Sidama, Wollayita, Hadiya and Gamo Gofa zones. Higher-quality practical training of the technicians in the selected woredas will result in overall better management of water resources. Needed electromechanics courses which are currently not taught in the four target schools will be introduced to the curriculum. The initially planned store with spare parts will be replaced by the repair shops and workshops with tools, based on the results of a feasibility study made in 2019.