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Feasibility study for optimisation of integrated public transport in Tbilisi
Implementing partner: Consortium of CityPlan and Czech technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences
954 400 CZK
The project analyses the potentials for optimisation of integrated public transport in Tbilisi. Consistent research in conjunction with drafts of transportation infrastructure concept will consider the existing public transport system and future urbanistic plans for Tbilisi development.

Tbilisi has, like the most metropolitan cities, transportation problems, which are additionally enhanced by a decade of instability. Background is characterized by fragmentation and isolation of individual modes of transportation in the city.Some forms of system have minimal regulatory options. Tbilisi Municipality is preparing a systematization of public transport. As the main problem is perceived isolation of bus routes and metro, both in terms of traffic and in terms of common tariffs.

The output of the project is the analysis and optimization strategy design of an integrated system of public transport in Tbilisi. This study will describe and analyze all problems and determining factors of integrated transportation, and will also propose a comprehensive solution to the existing situation with regard to the development strategy of the city and its transport system. The project aims to inform all important personnel  responsible in the system with information and knowledge of the laws of public transport.