Not applicable Not applicable
Evaluation - the path to systemic change
Type: grant
Implementing partner: Česká evaluační společnost
Budget for the year 2019: 354 000 CZK
472 000,- CZK
The project built on the project supported by the CzDA in 2018 and developed other activities that the Czech Evaluation Society (CES) regularly implements, mostly on a volunteer basis. While the first project focused on developing evaluation capacity in the Czech context, the project applying for support in 2019 sought to make Czech evaluators more open to the world. Its aim was to enable Czech evaluators, evaluation commissioners and project managers to confront their experiences, problems and attitudes with foreign evaluation experts. The project should also promote interest in evaluation and develop international and intersectoral cooperation and networking. The five planned activities (training for the Global Assembly IDEAS, promotion of the event at national and international level, administrative support, on-site organisation of the event, evaluation of the event) have appealed to a large number of Czech evaluators and commissioners of evaluations (due to the attractive focus, sophisticated marketing and planned co-financing of the conference fee). The active involvement of all participants contributed to formal and informal networking between Czech and foreign experts and opening the Czech perspective to foreign experiences.