Water and Sanitation Not applicable
Establishment of Sustainable System of Drinking Water Supply in Small Towns of Sidama Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Tender: Providing access to safe drinking water in small towns in Sidama Zone, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2014-2017
Implementing partner: “Sidama Water Supply III” Association (Ircon s.r.o., Aquatest a.s., GEOtest a.s.)
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2015: 4 915 000 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2016: 83 000 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 83 000 CZK
5 164 000 CZK
The aim of the project is to improve access to drinking water, enhance water sources management and to promote inhabitants’ hygiene habits in the selected areas of Sidama zone. Final recipients of the project will be small towns’ residents; local water sources administration’s employees as well as water sources maintenance employees.

The foreseen outputs of the project are to include drilling of five new drinking water wells, construction of water distribution network, enhancement of maintenance employees’ capacities and launch of public awareness campaign on proper hygienic habits. The main partner of the project is Sidama Zone Water Bureau.

Although the project has been well on its way, due to unforeseeably long and heavy season of rain which prevented the implementing partner from finishing the construction of water system, the duration of the project has been extended till June of 2014.