Agriculture and Forestry
Enhancement of Quality and Extent of Extension Services in woreda Angacha, Kembata Tembaro zone II
Tender: Enhancement of Quality and Extent of Extension Services in woreda Angacha, Kembata Tembaro zone II
Implementation period: 2014 - 2015
Implementing partner: Czech university of life sciences Prague
Budget for the year 2014: 2 000 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2015: 2 000 000 CZK
4 000 000 CZK
2014 - 2015
The project is a continuation of the project implemented in the period 2011-2013. The objective of the project lies in the enhancement of the extension service capacities in terms of broader range and higher quality of extension services at Angacha woreda. In addition to the support of the actual five farmer training centers (FTCs) supported, at least three other FTCs will be included. Except for the material support of at least three FTCs, trainings of development agents (DAs) will be realized, with focus on strengthening the knowledge derived from the past trainings, especially in the area of beekeeping and processing of agricultural products.

All DAs according to their specialization will be trained, as in previous years. Subsequently DAs will train model farmers in their kebeles. In 2014, the project will focus on the sustainable functioning of the project outputs reached in the previous years, regarding processing center of agricultural products, demonstration breedings and beekeeping centers, which will be handover to the new established cooperative during 2013. Except for the completion of the connection of electricity to the processing center, the role of the implementer will be rather facilitative.