Agriculture and Forestry
Enhancement of Quality and Extent of Extension Services in woreda Angacha, Kembata Tembaro zone
Grant: Enhancement of Quality and Extent of Extension Services in woreda Angacha, Kembata Tembaro zone
Implementation period: 2011-2013
Implementing partner: Czech university of life sciences Prague
Budget for the year 2011: 3 562 500 CZK
Budget for the year 2012: 3 087 500 CZK
Budget for the year 2013: 3 087 500 CZK
9 737 500 CZK
2011 - 2013
The project contributes to the solution of one of the major obstacles to agricultural development in the Southern Nations Region. Inadequate counseling services slow the introduction of good agricultural practices among small farmers who still continue in unsustainable farming and deepen current environmental problems of agricultural landscape, above all low soil fertility. Local consultancy services face the lack of human resources and their inadequate qualifications.

The project focuses on the geographic zone Kembo Tembaro, in which Woreda Angacha was selected in cooperation with the local administration. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of consultancy by increasing their range and quality. One of the activities will provide and analysis of the current state of consultancy services in the zone, which will serve not only for project purposes, but also as a basis for the creation of long-term strategy for the development of consultancy services.

Five existing consultancy centers in woreda Angacha will be selected to participate in the project and have their capacities improved. Their staff will undergo a series of trainings focused on current topics with special attention being paid to sustainable agricultural systems and technologies, including practical demonstration. Center for agricultural products processing will be founded and based at one of the Consultancy centers. From among graduates of agricultural secondary schools in Dilla and Sodo three technicians will be recruited and trained in the field of agricultural products processing. These technicians will afterwards work in the Center for agricultural products processing and train consultants in other woredas in the zone and small farmers.

The project will seek to achieve the signing of a Memorandum between the administration of zone Kembo Temboro on long-term cooperation between the Administration and schools in regards to providing human resources - middle technicians for consultancy services and enabling students of the schools to gain practical experience in the Center for agricultural food processing to improve their skills.

Implemented agro-processing technologies and sustainable farming systems will be based on the results of analysis of current situation to ensure their relevancy. Appropriate sustainable systems and technologies will be subsequently introduced among small farmers, who will also be trained.