Education Not applicable
Development of the system of evaluation of the quality of education in Ukrainian regions
Type: grant
Implementing partner: Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky, Česká školní inspekce
Budget for the year 2019: 2 000 000,- CZK
Budget for the year 2020: 1 123 349,- CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 1 000 000,- CZK
Planned budget for the year 2022: N/A
5 144 700,- CZK
The project builds on the previous project of the same name, which was implemented in 2017-2018. The project aims to build the capacity of the State Service for Quality Education of Ukraine by sharing good practice and know-how of the Czech School Inspectorate as a national authority for evaluation and control of the quality and efficiency of education in the Czech Republic. The specific objectives of the project are: excellence of the activities of the State Service for Quality of Education of Ukraine as a state institution in the field of evaluation activities, support for the effective functioning of the State Service for Quality of Education in Ukrainian regions and support for self-evaluation activities of schools as partners in the implementation of the evaluation of the quality of education. The subsidy will continue in its fourth phase in 2022, focusing exclusively on the adoption of the information system supplied by the Czech Republic for the Ukrainian State Service for Quality Education, which is already in full operation.