Not applicable Not applicable
Development education in schools (Today I eat like an Angolan) and informal public education in presentations about volunteer service
Type: grant
Implementing partner: Salesiánská asociace Dona Boska, z. s.
Budget for the year 2019: 223 527 CZK
324 327 CZK
The aim of the project was to introduce children and youth to development issues through the project "Today I eat like an Angolan". The second objective was to promote voluntary service in developing countries. The project "Today I eat like an Angolan" was implemented in primary and secondary schools, where children and young people learned about the different challenges faced by developing countries through non-formal education. Volunteering was promoted during public events and the general public had the opportunity to learn about developing countries from volunteers who had spent a year of their lives in Angola. This information, given to children, young people and the public, helped to reduce xenophobic attitudes, break down prejudices and arouse public interest in supporting the provision of development aid.