Not applicable Not applicable
Decent life for all: Support for awarness-raising and educational activities in regions
Grant: Decent life for all: Support for awayness-raising and educational activities in regions
Implementing partner: NaZemi
Budget for the year 2015: 300 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2016: 326 800 CZK
626 800 CZK
The aim of the project is to increase the quality and quantity of educational and awareness raising activities in selected regions of the Czech Republic and at the same time to increase the number of citizens and representatives of public authorities who are actively involved in promoting decent living and working conditions in the world. Project objectives will be achieved through direct education and awareness raising activities that will be carried out by qualified lecturers trained during the project. These lecturers will be part of the newly created network that will serve inter alia, for the sharing of good practice between them and for sharing of materials.