Not applicable Not applicable
Czech aid in the world
Implementing partner: Člověk v tísni, o.p.s.
Budget for the year 2020: 1 007 633,- CZK
1 310 833,- CZK
The intention of the project is to increase public support for foreign development cooperation in the Czech Republic and to actively involve the Czech public in solving global problems and building a sustainable future for all.

The achievement of the project's objective will be measured through the following indicators:

- Increased public support for foreign development cooperation in the Czech Republic

- Amount of funds allocated to the Czech Republic's foreign development cooperation

- The public is actively interested and engaged in the implementation of the SDGs

The objectives of the project are to increase awareness and understanding of the functioning of development projects, the role and purpose of development cooperation and its impacts

The achievement of the project objectives will be measured through the following indicators:

- Increased public interest in information related to development issues, FDC and SDGs

- Increased participation in public events

- Increased traffic and activity on social media

- Readership of media outputs